Saturday, October 31, 2015

Episode 36: Special pleading (original episode)

All enlightened critical thinkers agree, this is the best podcast on fallacies going around. And this episode on Special Pleading is one of the best we’ve produced to date. If you disagree, it’s because you don’t have the kind of cognition and sensibility required to recognise quality. It could also be because of the environment in which you are listening to it, the type of music player you are using and/or your headphones. If you had decent equipment and were in a place that allowed you to concentrate properly, you’d no doubt agree with me…

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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Monday, June 22, 2015

Episode 0029: Wishful thinking (original episode)

An original episode where we looked at wishful thinking, with examples from Oprah and The Secret.

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The Second (eBook) Edition of Humbug! is available for about US$3.99 from:

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Episode 0028: On belief (original episode)

An original episode where I interviewed a practicing psychic. I asked her to answer questions about paranormal phenomena and what the basis of her belief is. I was joined by Ben who I discuss this with – in terms of Thomas Gilovich’s book How We Know What Isn’t So – The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life.

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The Second (eBook) Edition of Humbug! is available for about US$3.99 from: