Saturday, January 31, 2015

Episode 0019: Unfounded generalisation

In this episode we look at Unfounded Generalisation

The clips for this episode come from QANDA episode Monday 10 November, 2014
This is your Brain on Climate Change

Some further reading:

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The Second (eBook) Edition of Humbug! is available for about US$3.99 from:

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Episode 0018: False cause; correlation error (original episode)

In this podcast we discuss the False Cause; Correlation Error. It’s the 1st pod in a series we did on the air head actress Jenny McCarthy and her fallacious views on autism. The "cut down" video podcast version:

Direct download of the podcast:

The Second (eBook) Edition of Humbug! is available for about US$3.99 from:

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Episode 0017: Ad hominem (original episode)

This is an original episode on Ad Hominem.

Show notes (stuff we mentioned that you might want to follow up, or not, whatever… totally up to you):

  • An example of likening a contemporary political leader to Hitler from people who’d been to see a talk by Al Gore organised by (no points for guessing the leader of who I speak...) . This is obviously a case of cherry picking, but nonetheless…. Here's the youtube clip I used: (I also slipped in a bit of Monty Python here (Gumbies)

Direct download:

The Second (eBook) Edition of Humbug! is available for about US$3.99 from: